أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول اللهأَلْقُرآن‎‎
 ... Ты ведь меня знаешь, Абдулла. Я мзду не беру. Мне за Державу обидно. © П.Верещагин
 ... Не согласен - критикуй, критикуешь - предлагай, предлагаешь - делай, делаешь - отвечай! © Сергей Павлович Королёв
 ... Теракт - убийство мирных граждан какого-либо государства с целью добиться изменения политики, проводимой правительством этого государства.
Примечание: атомные бомбардировки Хиросимы и Нагасаки терактами не являются
 © Один американский учебник
 ... Anyone who says that money is the root to all evil, doesn't have it © Boiler Room. 2000. The movie.
 ... Why does a dog wag its tail? Because a dog is smarter than its tail.
    If the tail were smarter, the tail would wag the dog.
 © Wag the Dog. 1997. The movie.
 ... И, Боже вас сохрани, - не читайте до обеда советских газет! © проф. Ф.Ф. Преображенский 
 ... To finish first, first you have to finish. © Ron Dennis, F-1 McLaren Mercedes team 
 ... I don't give a fuck what you know, I'm going to kill you anyway. © Reservoir dogs
 ... Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky! © 1969, Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong
 ... That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. © 1969, Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong
 ... when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.  © Friedrich Neitzsche
 ... I do not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.  © Thomas Carlyle
 ... You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend:
    Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.
 © Man With No Name
  (Clint Eastwood)
 ... power is the great aphrodisiac.  © Henry A. Kissinger
 ... Нет такого предмета, название которого не подошло бы еврею для фамилии.  © А.П. Чехов
 ... Стояли звери ... около двери ... В них стреляли ... они умирали ...  © "Жук в муравейнике"
Old arm of Dolgoprudny city New arm of Dolgoprudny city
Dive now, work later ... Alex Kornev
(AKA Alex86. Alex86@™, Uncle Beaver, ex. fido 2:5020/86.0)

Master SCUBA Diver (PADI) / Universal Diver (NDL)
AOWD / Rescue / Enriched Air / Deep / Underwater Photography / Wreck / Night / Dry Suite
Why not dive? ...

Electronic guides / Электронные руководства
- KAK'и - Различные руководства. Ответы на "Как сделать ...?". В основном про Windows, но не только. (Eng/Rus)
- KAK's - (How to) Multiple "How-to" guides. Answers to "How to do ...?". Mostly about Windows, but not only.(Eng/Rus)

Some simple presentations I've created ...
- Конкурсная работа для ученика 1 класса гимназии. "Реликвии России"
- Выпускная работы для ГБПОУ МГОК - 1
- Выпускная работы для ГБПОУ МГОК - 2
- Проект ИТ Аудита-1. Исследование ИТ инфраструктуры Компании
- Проект ИТ Аудита-2. Исследование ИТ инфраструктуры Компании
- Нейромаркетинг и дизайн клиентского опыта

- Soviet industrial, propaganda and artistic mosaics.

- Egypt 2024, October. - Everyday Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera) 
- Egypt 2024, June. - Diving Photos (All pictures © Fawzi Shahen) 
- Egypt 2024, June. - Everyday Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera) 

- Egypt 2023, October. - Diving movie. (Operator Fawzi Shahen
- Egypt 2023, October. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (All pictures © Fawzi Shahen) 
- Egypt 2023, October. - Hurghada. Everyday Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera) 
- Egypt 2023, June. - Diving movie. (Operator Fawzi Shahen)
- Egypt 2023, June. - Diving Photos (All pictures © Fawzi Shahen)
- Egypt 2023, June. - Everyday Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)

- Egypt 2022, October. - Diving movie. (Operator Fawzi Shahen)
- Egypt 2022, October. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (All pictures © Fawzi Shahen) 
- Egypt 2022, October. - Hurghada. Everyday Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)
- Egypt 2022, June. - Hurghada. Videos. Diving, Sun and Sea
- Egypt 2022, June. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (All pictures © Fawzi Shahen)
- Egypt 2022, June. - Hurghada. Everyday Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)

- Egypt 2021, October. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (All pictures © Fawzi Shahen)
- Egypt 2021, October. - Hurghada. Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)
- Russia 2021, July - MAKS'2021 - 15th anniversary Moscow International Aviation and Space Salon
- Egypt 2021, June. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12, Sorry for quality ... reason inside...)
- Egypt 2021, June. - Hurghada. Red Sea Photos (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)

- Russia, 2020, December. - My Huawei Watch GT 2e Faces
- Russia, 2020, October. - State Museum-estate "Arkhangelskoye" (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)
- Russia, 2020, July. - Monument to the heroes of the Battle for Rzhev (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)
- Russia, 2020, July. - Nice place at 128 km of New Riga highway (Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera)
- Russia, 2020, February. - Moscow Dive Show 2020

- Russia 2019, November. - Московское Метро + МЦД и МЦК (Maps - Moscow Undergroung, Central Diameters and Central Underground Ring Road)
- Egypt 2019, October. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12, Sorry for quality ... reason inside...)
- Egypt 2019, October. - Hurghada Mix, Sun & Sea (Huawei Mate 10 Pro camera)
- Russia 2019, August - MAKS'2019. Moscow International Aviation and Space Salon
- Egypt 2019, May. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12)
- Egypt 2019, May. - Hurghada. Mix & Sea (Huawei Mate 10 Pro camera)
- Russia 2019, March. - "BASEMENT" The Pub. Great opening.

- Egypt 2018, November. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12)
- Russia 2018, September - Kaluga, Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics (HONOR View 10 camera)
- Russia 2018, July - Trip to Saint-Petersburg (HONOR View 10 camera)
- Egypt 2018, May. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12)
- Egypt 2018, May. - Hurghada. Everyday Sea (iPhone 7 camera)
- Russia 2018, May. - Voronezh City. New FINN's nest. (Воронеж, Новое гнездо FINN'ов)

- Egypt 2017, October. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12)
- Egypt 2017, October. - Hurghada. Everyday Sea (iPhone 7 camera)
- Russia 2017, July - Dolgoprudny City photos (MAVIC PRO from 1200m)
- Russia 2017, July - MAKS'2017. Moscow International Aviation and Space Salon
- Russia 2017, June - Lipetsk Region, Family Park - Kudykina Hill (Семейный парк - Кудыкина гора, Липетская областьа)
- Egypt 2017, May. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12 + AEE S70)

- Портреты великих актеров зарубежного кино, ч/б
- Formula 1 - All seasons. All champions. All the best for all of them

- Egypt 2016, May. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)

- Russia 2015, August. - Walking on All-Russia Exhibition Centre in Moscow (former ENEA). We were on MosAquarium exhibition.
- Egypt 2015, May. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- Russia 2015, April. - Схема глубин заложения и конструкций станций Московского метрополитена

- Egypt 2014, October. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom).. unlucky trip.
- Russia 2014, June - Alya and Vasya in Moscow ZOO
- Egypt 2014, May. - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- Egypt 2014, May. - Hurghada. Yevgen Stryukov. Fifty Celebration.
- Egypt 2014, May. - Hurghada. Red Sea, Le Pacha. Samirali Ali etc... (Alya's pictures)

- Egypt 2013, November. - Hurghada. Just a few days of diving ... No photos ... Broken legs by accident ... Unforgettable ...

- Egypt 2012, December - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- Egypt 2012, May - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- Egypt 2012, February - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- England 2012, January - Business trip. Sorry, no pics

- Egypt 2011, October - Hurghada. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- England 2011, August- Business trip. Sorry, no pics
- Egypt 2011, May - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos (Canon G12+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- England 2011, January - Touristic trip to London for my son Sergey (Sight-seeing tour)

Школа IT-менеджмента. АНХ при Правительстве РФ
- Программа MBA. Специализация: Информационный менеджмент (CIO) 2008-10

- England 2010, December - Business trip. Sorry, no pics
- Egypt 2010, October - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos (Canon G11+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- Moscow 2010, August - Moscow under strong deep smoke. (pics made using HTC HD2 cell phone)
- England 2010, August - Business trip (Sightseeng tour, pics made by HTC HD2)
- Egypt 2010, May - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos (Canon G11+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- England 2010, March - Business trip. Sorry, no pics
- England 2010, January - Business trip to frozen Britain (pics made by ACER S200 cell phone camera)

- Egypt 2009, October - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos (CANON S70+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- Egypt 2009, May, Chrystina
- Egypt 2009, May - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos, (no pics, was too dark underwater. Sorry)
- England 2009, March. Saint Patric's 250 celebration :-) Sorry, no pictures at all.

- KAMASUTRA for IT guys
- The X Commandments
- Illustrations by Gustave Dore; The Bible (Old Testament)
- The map of London. UK Undeground.
- I don't know what's that. Some pics looks like fake... but some not ...

LightBot game
- LightBot 1. - it's absolutely amazing game :-)
- LightBot 2! - The Sequel from LightBot 1

- Turkey, 2008, November - Bodrum, some pictures from my Nokia 6500 Claasic cell phone
- Egypt 2008, August - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos, (CANON S70+RAW format+ADOBE Lightroom)
- Egypt 2008, August - Sharm-El-Sheikh. My son, Sergey Kornev - underwater. New diver :-)
- England 2008, August. Sorry, no pictures at all.
- Russia 2008, May. Sakhalin Island, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city. Some pictures
- Egypt 2008, May - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos, (CANON S70 + RAW format + ADOBE Lightroom)

- England 2007, November. Sorry, no pictures at all.
- Egypt 2007, October - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos, (CANON S70 + RAW format + ADOBE Lightroom)
- Egypt 2007, October - Sharm-El-Sheikh. SINA MOON team and guests
- Egypt 2007, April-May - Sharm-El-Sheikh. Diving Photos, (CANON S70 + RAW format + ADOBE Lightroom)

- Merilyn
- Ордена Российской Империи до 1917 года

 ... and gas in general
- Статья о компании ЛУКОЙЛ в журнале "Полный привод" - "САМОЕ ЭКТО-ТОПЛИВО В МИРЕ"
- Cтатья о компании ЛУКОЙЛ в журнале "Полный привод" - "ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ ИСТОРИИ"
- Особенности национальной заправки (статья в АВТОРЕВЮ / 2009 год / №12 (429))
- Не отравится ли дизель? (статья в "За Рулем №2 (932) 2009 год)
- Супертест дизельного топлива (АВТОРЕВЮ №2 (396) 2008 год)
- Карты АЗС ООО "ЛУКОЙЛ-Центрнефтепродукт" в Москве и Московской области
- Тест ДТ в Авто-Ревю (АР No.2 за 2008).
- Список АЗС, незаконно использующих логотип ОАО "ЛУКОЙЛ"

- England 2006, December. NNM.RU Party in London. (16-Dec-2006)
- Egypt 2006, October - Hurghada. Diving Photos, (CANON S70 + RAW format + ADOBE Lightroom)
- England 2006, September. Sorry, no pictures at all.
- Egypt 2006, April-May - Hurghada. Diving Photos, CANON S70

- Kiev, Ukraine. Sightseeng pictures.
- More than 800 wallpaper pictures (128x128 pixels) for your mobile. For free!

- England 2005, November. Sorry, no pictures at all.
- Egypt 2005, October - Hurghada. Diving Photos, (OLYMPUS mju-500)
- Moscow 2005, August - MAKS 2005 - Moscow International Aviation and Space Salon
- England 2005, July. Trip to London.
- England 2005, July. Sightseeng tour with BigBus Company
- Egypt 2005, April - Hurghada. Diving Photos, (OLYMPUS mju-400)

- Egypt Dec'04-Jan'05, Hurghada. Diving Photos, (OLYMPUS mju-400)
- England 2004, December - Queen's Guards Change Ceremony
- England 2004, December - London TOWER
- Egypt 2004, October - Hurghada. NIGHT Dive Photos, (OLYMPUS mju-400)
- Egypt 2004, October - Hurghada. Diving Photos, (OLYMPUS mju-400)
- Egypt 2004, October - ProSea Team - Diving photos from Mr. Esam El Sammra
- Egypt 2004, October - Hurghada and Red Sea
- Egypt 2004, October - Conrad Resort International (CANON EOS-300D)
- Egypt 2004, April - Sharm-El-Sheikh - Diving photos, (OLYMPUS mju-400)
- Egypt 2004, April - Sharm-El-Sheikh - Red Sea and Holiday Inn Amphoras Hotel
- England 2004, March. Trip to London.
- England 2004, February. Trip to London.

- Egypt 2003, November - Hurghada. Conrad Resort International (SONY DSC-F717)
- Egypt 2003, November - Hurghada. Trip to Luxor city - Kings Valley - Hatshepsut Palace - Karnak Temple (SONY DSC-F717)

- Egypt 2002, May - Hurghada. Diving photos
- Egypt 2002, January - Sharm-El-Sheikh. No pictures

- Turkey 2001, October - Bodrum. Some photos from PADI AOWD course
- Turkey 2001, July - Bodrum. No pictures

- Smiles collection (Be carefull! Page is heavy ~8.5 MB)

Weather in some cities around the world :-)

Погода в Москве  Погода  Погода
Погода  Погода  Погода

Moscow traffic

Пробки на Яндекс.Картах




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  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
  1. Робот не может причинить вред человеку или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы человеку был причинен вред.
  2. Робот должен повиноваться командам человека, если эти команды не противоречат Первому Закону.
  3. Робот должен заботиться о своей безопасности, настолько, насколько это не противоречит Первому и Второму законам.

Some useful links:
  • EL SAMAKA DC, Hurghada, Egypt. I was diving with them in May'18, Nov'18, May'19 and Nov'19. May'20. (DC is CLOSED)

  • Dive with FINN, Hurghada, Egypt. I was diving with them in May'17 and Oct'17. (DC is CLOSED)
  • Sea Rainbow Dive. I was diving with them in Hurghada, Egypt in Oct'11, Jan'12, May'12, Dec'12, Nov'13, May'14, Oct'14, May'15 and May'16. (DC is CLOSED)
  • PRO SEA TEAM. My previous favorite Dive Center in Hurghada, Egypt. Highly recommended! (I was diving with them in May'02, Nov'03, Oct'04, Dec'04-Jan'05, Apr'05, Oct'05, Apr'06 and Oct'06)
    Unfortunately! PRO SEA TEAM DC is closed for an unexpected time ... Closed firever. Mr. Essam Al-Samra died.
  • DIVERS DREAMS - NOW THIS DC IS CLOSED!. One of many Dive Centers in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. I was diving with them in Apr'07, Oct'07, Apr'08, Aug'08, May'09, Oct'09, May'10, Oct'10 and May'11
    Now closed
  • Ремонт инжекторов AUDI и VW. Электронный и механический впрыск. Любая сложность. Гарантия на работы.
  • Музыкальная группа "19 километр"
  • Музыкальная студия "Лачуга"
  • R17 - Шины и диски. Ищите шины и диски? Заходите сюда. Дешево и сердито. С доставкой.
  • БиЛайн - пере-cбрендинг

    BeeLine - c-пере-брендинг-ом :-)

  • Статус пользователей конференций AUTO.RU
  • CWER.ws - Другие цитируют нас - софт, игры, книги, музыка и кино
  • Contact to me...


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